

As a public body, the Point Fortin Borough Corporation is mandated to adhere to the rules and regulations set out in the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Property Act of 2015 (as amended). In order to promote transparency, accountability and fairness, access is provided here to the proposed procurement activities undertaken by the Corporation in the financial year 2023/24.

Please click on the table below to find information about our procurement plan and current tender projects or select the Tender Procedure link if you require additional details about Tender Notices and Tender Documents.

Tender Notices & Tender Documents.

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What is Procurement?

“Procurement” or “Public Procurement” means the acquisition of goods, works or services involving the use of public money."

Cited From: The Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Property Act, 2015.

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Legislative Framework.

Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Property within the public sector is governed by the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Property act “PPDPPA” of 2015 (as amended) which was proclaimed by Her Excellency Christine Carla Kangaloo on April 26th 2023. The act was further amended by virtue of Act No. 13 of 2023 and Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Property Regulations.

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Objectives of the Act

The objects of this Act are to promote:

  • The principles of accountability, integrity,transparency and value for money.
  • Efficiency, fairness, equity and public confidence.
  • Local industry development, sustainable procurement and sustainable development,in public procurement and the disposal of public property.

Cited From: The Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Property Act, 2015.

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Office of Procurement Regulation "OPR" Depository

The OPR has established a database, known as “the Procurement Depository”, to which suppliers or contractors can submit information with respect to their qualifications and experience, among other things,in accordance with the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Property Act, 2015 (as ameneded).

Cited From: The Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Property Act, 2015.

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Project Tabs * Please click on the menu item best suited to you

No.Project NumberProject NameUNSPSC Code LVL3Brief DescriptionProposed date for Issue of Bidding DocumentsExpected Delivery / Completion DateEstimated Project Duration(for works and services)Procurement MethodStandstill period(if applicable) - No. of DaysContract Type

PSIP Projects

1 LRB-23-24/129/001 Hercules Street Extension - Road Infrastructural Works
Electoral District - Egypt
72141003 To rehabilitate roadway by milling and removing asphalt cutting, strengthen section along roadway with blue limestone and re-sheet roadway with hot asphaltic mix 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
2 LRB-23-24/129/002 Warner Street - Roads Paving Works
Electoral District - Egypt
72141003 To scarify segments (1) of roadway commencing from Jattan Street, to strengthen base with blue limestone and seal with hot mix. (ii) To re-sheet segment (2) of roadway long with hot mix 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
3 LRB-23-24/129/003 Bryce Road Paving Continuation
Electoral District – Egypt
72141003 To rehabilitate roadway by milling and removing asphalt cutting, strengthen section along roadway with blue limestone and re-sheet roadway with hot asphaltic mix 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
4 LRB-23-24/129/004 Dam Road Extension Road-Paving Works
Electoral District – Egypt
72141003 To complete the infrastructural roadworks by scarifying roadway, strengthening base with yellow metal, blinding surface with blue limestone and pave roadway with hot mix. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Contract
5 LRB-23-24/129/005 Alexander Street – Road Paving
Electoral District – Egypt
72141003 To scarify, strengthen and pave Section (1) of roadway and to re-sheet Section (2) 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
6 LRB-23-24/129/006 Rampersad Street Paving Phase II - Upgrade Road Infrastructure
Electoral District – Fanny Village / Cap-de-Ville
72141003 To upgrade the road infrastructure works by (i) Constructing kerb wall and slipper from L.P#59 to 2nd culvert on one side of roadway (ii) Saw-cut roadway removing the failed sections of roadway, to strengthen sub base with yellow metal and base with blue limestone and seal entire roadway with hot asphaltic mix 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
7 LRB-23-24/129/007 Monroe Road Extension - Infrastructural Road Works
Electoral District – Fanny Village / Cap-de-Ville
72141003 To improve the road infrastructure by scarifying the roadway, strengthening with yellow metal on sub-base and blue limestone on base, and to seal roadway with hot asphaltic mix. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
8 LRB-23-24/129/008 Street Road Works Nicholas - Upgrade Road Infrastructure Phase I
Electoral District – Fanny Village / Cap-de-Ville
72141003 To upgrade the road infrastructure by scarifying roadway , strengthen base course with yellow metal and blind surface with blue limestone and repave with hot asphaltic mix: Section (1) and Section (2) 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
9 LRB-23-24/129/009 Cemetery Block Road / Sherwyn Julien Recreation Ground Pedestrian Bridge
Electoral District - Fanny Village / Cap-de-Ville
72141003 To refurbish pedestrian footbridge by water blasting all steel works, power wash concrete walkways replacing beams over river and treat and protect steel works. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
10 LRB-23-24/129/010 Herenix Street Cochrane Paving Works
Electoral District – Techier Guapo
72141003 To rehabilitate roadway by scarifying and removing existing oil-sand and strengthening with Yellow Metal Limestone and Blue Metal Limestone and resurfacing roadway with Hot Asphaltic Mix inclusive of a turning point 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
11 LRB-23-24/129/011 Noel Avenue Cochrane Paving Works
Electoral District – Techier / Guapo
72141000 To construct new roadway by scarifying and removing earthen area and strengthening with Yellow Metal Limestone and Blue Metal Limestone and resurfacing roadway with Hot Asphaltic Mix 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
12 LRB-23-24/129/012 No. 8 Roadway Cochrane Paving Works Phase II
Electoral District – Techier / Guapo
72141003 To rehabilitate roadway by scarifying and removing existing oil-sand and strengthening with Yellow Metal Limestone and Blue Metal Limestone and resurfacing roadway with Hot Asphaltic Mix 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
13 LRB-23-24/129/013 16th Street Techier Paving Works
Electoral District – Techier / Guapo
72141003 To rehabilitate roadway by cutting and removing existing road defects and strengthening with Yellow Metal Limestone to a nominal and Blue Metal Limestone to a nominal thickness of and by resurfacing roadway with Hot Asphaltic Mix Inclusive of reinstating one (1) road hump 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
14 LRB-23-24/129/014 Samuel Street Road Works
Electoral District – New Village
72141003 To rehabilitate roadway by excavating existing roadway, strengthening roadway with BA Metal Stone strengthening roadway with Yellow Metal Limestone and resurfacing roadway with Oil-sand 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
15 LRB-23-24/129/015 Reservoir Hill Extension Road Works Phase II
Electoral District – New Villages
72141003 To rehabilitate roadway by excavating and removing existing Oil-sand and strengthening with Yellow Metal Limestone and Blue Metal Limestone. To rehabilitate roadway by scarifying existing roadway and strengthening with Blue Metal Limestone and resurfacing roadway with Hot Asphaltic Mix 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
16 LRB-23-24/129/016 Wharton Street Road Works Phase II
Electoral District – New Village
72141000 To construct of Kerb and Slipper Drain with reinforced concrete using Welded Wire Mesh and HTS bars, to construct one (1) Box Culvert of, all with reinforced concrete using and HTS bars and to rehabilitate roadway by strengthening roadway verge at LP #3 at LP #7 with Yellow Metal Limestone and Blue Metal Limestone and resurfacing roadway nominal thickness with Hot Asphaltic Mix 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
17 LRB-23-24/129/017 Ravine Ranch Road Works
Electoral District – New Village
72141003 To rehabilitate roadway by excavating existing roadway, strengthening roadway with BA Metal Stone and 1then resurfacing roadway with Oil-sand 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
18 LRB-23-24/129/018 Gerald Street Re-sheeting and Paving Works
Electoral District – New Village
72141003 To rehabilitate roadway by saw cutting and removing existing road defects on verges and strengthening with Yellow Metal Limestone to a nominal thickness of and Blue Metal Limestone to a nominal thickness of and by resurfacing roadway with Hot Asphaltic Mix 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
19 LRB-23-24/129/019 Gerald Street Extension Road Works
Electoral District – New Village
72141003 To rehabilitate roadway by excavating existing roadway, strengthening roadway with BA Metal Stone and resurfacing roadway with Oil-sand 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
20 LRB-23-24/129/020 Roberts Street Kerb & Slipper and Road Restoration
Electoral District – New Village
72141000 To construct Kerb and Slipper Drain #1 and of Kerb and Slipper #2 with reinforced concrete using Welded Wire Mesh and HTS bars, and to rehabilitate roadway by saw cutting and removing damaged areas and strengthening roadway verge at first culvert and re-sheeting and at LP #57 with Yellow Metal Limestone and Blue Metal Limestone and nominal thickness with Hot Asphaltic Mix 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
21 LRB-23-24/129/021 Pascall Street Road Paving
Electoral District – New Lands / Mahaica
72141003 To rehabilitate roadway by scarifying and removing existing Oil-sand and strengthening with Yellow Metal Limestone and Blue Metal Limestone and resurfacing roadway with Hot Asphaltic Mix 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
22 LRB-23-24/129/022 Lyle Street Paving Works
Electoral District – New Lands / Mahaica
72141003 To rehabilitate roadway by cutting and removing existing road defects and strengthening roadway and road verge (x2) with Yellow Metal Limestone to a nominal thickness of and Blue Metal Limestone to a nominal and by resurfacing roadway with Hot Asphaltic Mix 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
23 LRB-23-24/129/023 Archer Street Paving Works
Electoral District – New Lands / Mahaica
72141003 To rehabilitate roadway by cutting and removing existing road defects and road verge (both sides) and strengthening with Yellow Metal Limestone to a nominal thickness of and Blue Metal Limestone to a resurfacing roadway with Hot Asphaltic Mix 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
24 LRB-23-24/129/024 Abattoir Road Extension Road Works
Electoral District – New Lands / Mahaica
72141003 To rehabilitate roadway by scarifying and removing existing Oil-sand and strengthening with Yellow Metal Limestone and Blue Metal Limestone and resurfacing roadway with Hot Asphaltic Mix 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
25 LRB-23-24/129/025 Blueshot Avenue Road Works
Electoral District – Hollywood
72141003 To rehabilitate roadway by building Sub Base with Yellow Metal Limestone and Base Course with Blue Metal Limestone, repairing road edges for a and to pave entire roadway with Hot Asphaltic, each layer rolled compact. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Contract
26 LRB-23-24/129/026 Smith Street Road Works (Extension)
Electoral District – Hollywood
72141003 To rehabilitate roadway by scarifying, excavating and removing existing asphaltic surface, subgrade and base course and to strengthen roadway with Yellow Metal Limestone and Blue Metal Limestone and to resurface roadway with Hot Asphaltic Mix 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Contract
27 LRB-23-24/129/027 Smith Street to Francis Lane Extension Road Works
Electoral District- Hollywood
72141003 To rehabilitate and widen roadway by cutting and removing existing road defects and strengthening roadway with Yellow Metal Limestone to a nominal thickness of and Blue Metal Limestone to a and by resurfacing roadway with Hot Asphaltic Mix 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
28 DP-23-24/114/001 Hercules Extension Drainage Works
Electoral District – Egypt
7214205 Improve drainage Infrastructural for constructing Kerb wall and Slipper, on each side of read, to flow into a box culvert at the entrance to roadway into existing box drain 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
29 DP-23-24/114/002 Ottley Drainage Works
Electoral District- Egypt
7214205 To continue the construction of a main water course with six (6) tie beams and capping beam 2 with a connecting box drain 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
30 DP-23-24/114/003 Alexis Street - Drainage Works
Electoral District-Egypt
7214205 To construct of drainage works - commencing with sub soil drain to flow into catch pit which connects with a new box drain to join an existing box drain. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
31 DP-23-24/114/004 Warner Street - Drainage Works
Electoral District- Egypt
7214205 To develop drainage Infrastructural Works - (1) To construct of Kerb wall and Slipper and box culvert. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
32 DP-23-24/114/005 Jattan Road Main Road - Drainage Works
Electoral District- Egypt
7214205 To construct (1) box culvert, (ii) open box drain and a covered box drain and (iii) a footpath with slipper 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
33 DP-23-24/114/006 Jattan Road / Hillcrest Drive Interlot Drain
Electoral District- Egypt
7214205 To demolish a section box drain with stonewalls and a concrete base for and replace with (1) New box drain (ii) to re-cast. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
34 DP-23-24/114/007 Egypt Avenue / Dam Road Box Culvert
Electoral District- Egypt
7214205 To remove swale drain and construct a box culvert to form an existing box drain one side and to excavate earthen box drain on opposite side of culvert. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
35 DP-23-24/114/008 Rampersad Street Drainage – Upgrade Drainage Works
Electoral District- Fanny Village / Cap-de-Ville
7214205 To upgrade the drainage system along the Main Drain and demolish and re-construct Two (2) Box Culvert and (iii) re-construct Drain Walls. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
36 DP-23-24/114/009 Chunilal Street Drainage Works – Improve Drainage System
Electoral District- Fanny Village / Cap-de-Ville
7214205 To improve the drainage system by carrying out the following works (a) To remove the existing metal pipe and replace with a Box Culvert (b) To break-up existing Swale Drain and reconstruct a Box Drain (at back of Lot# 10 (c) To construct a Sub-Soil Drain along existing box drain behind Lot# 12, 14 and 16 (d) Restoration of roadway. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
37 DP-23-24/114/010 Moses Street Drain – Drainage along Roadway
Electoral District- Fanny Village / Cap-de-Ville
7214205 To construct of drainage works along roadway, flowing to end of roadway into existing box drain and flowing in the opposite direction into an existing box culvert. Along the drain there are six (6) entrances Six (6) walkway and also Six (6) interlot connecting drains. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
38 DP-23-24/114/011 E’ Street Interlot Drain
Electoral District- Fanny Village / Cap-de-Ville
7214205 To construct interlot drain with taking surface water from the roadway and from behind property to flow into a larger box drain and connected to an existing drain. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
39 DP-23-24/114/012 Country Trace Extension – Drainage Works
Electoral District- Fanny Village / Cap-de-Ville
7214205 To continue the drainage network by constructing New Box Drain with One (1) Driveway and to connect drain to existing Box Culvert. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
40 DP-23-24/114/013 6th Street Techier Drainage Works (Box Drain)
Electoral District- Techier / Guapo
7214205 To construct of drainage works consisting of )of roadside open box drain complete with coping, two (4) driveways each 5m in length and two (2) Walkways all with reinforced concrete using HTS bars. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
41 DP-23-24/114/014 Caracoo Street Kerb and Slipper Drain (With Road)
Electoral District- Techier / Guapo
7214205 To construct ( of Kerb and Slipper Drain with reinforced concrete using Welded Wire Mesh and HTS bars and to rehabilitate roadway by strengthening roadway with Blue Metal Limestone and resurfacing roadway with Hot Asphaltic Mix. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
42 DP-23-24/114/015 Cochrane Drainage Works
Electoral District- Techier / Guapo
7214205 To construct of drainage works consisting of Kerb and Slipper Drain with reinforced concrete using Welded Wire Mesh HTS bars and of interlot open box drain complete with coping, all with reinforced concrete using HTS bars. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
43 DP-23-24/114/016 Herenix Street Interlot Drainage Works
Electoral District- Techier/Guapo
7214205 To construct drainage works consisting of interlot open box drain complete with coping all with reinforced concrete using HTS bars. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
44 DP-23-24/114/017 Edmund Dillion Avenue Interlot Box Drain
Electoral District- Techier/Guapo
7214205 To construct drainage works consisting of interlot open box drain complete with coping all with reinforced concrete using HTS bars. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
45 DP-23-24/114/016 Filtration Plant Road (Concrete Block Fence Wall along Box Drain)
Electoral District- Techier/Guapo
7214205 To construct a concrete block perimeter fence wall along drain and a driveway over existing drain. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
46 DP-23-24/114/019 Reservoir Hill Drainage Improvement
Electoral District – New Village
7214205 To construct Kerb and Slipper Drain, Swale Drain and Box Drain with reinforced concrete using Welded Wire Mesh HTS bars and to rehabilitate roadway by strengthening roadway with Blue Metal Limestone and roadway edge restoration with Hot Asphaltic Mix. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
47 DP-23-24/114/020 Reservoir Hill Extension (Interlot) Box Drain
Electoral District – New Village
7214205 To construct a footpath over an existing Box Drain for which flows into and existing box culvert and into a proposed interlot box drain to be stepped down at 4 points, complete with coping along all with reinforced concrete using HTS bars. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
48 DP-23-24/114/021 High Street Drainage Work
Electoral District – New Village
7214205 To construct drainage works consisting of roadside covered box drain with manholes complete with footpath, six (6) driveways, all with reinforced concrete using HTS bars. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
49 DP-23-24/114/022 Harriman Park Drainage
Electoral District – New Village
7214205 To upgrade drainage along roadway. Upgrade of drainage by recasting base, solid cast short drain wall against stone wall and increase the height of existing block wall with one (1) block height and a coping. To construct a new drain with a Box Culvert and three (3) driveways and two concrete steps complete with coping all with reinforced concrete using HTS bars. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
50 DP-23-24/114/023 Adventure Road (Interlot) Box Drain
Electoral District – New Lands / Mahaica
7214205 To construct drainage works consisting of roadside open box drain complete with coping, all with reinforced concrete using HTS bars. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
51 DP-23-24/114/024 TNA Road Main Drain (Interlot) Phase II
Electoral District – New Lands / Mahaica
7214205 To construct drainage works consisting of Interlot open box drain complete with coping, all with reinforced concrete using HTS bars. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
52 DP-23-24/114/025 TNA Road Roadside Box Drain
Electoral District – New Lands / Mahaica
7214205  To construct drainage works consisting of roadside open box drain complete with coping, two (2) driveways each 6m in length, all with reinforced concrete using HTS bars. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
53 DP-23-24/114/026 Baptiste Road Roadside Box Drain
Electoral District – New Lands / Mahaica
 7214205 To construct drainage works consisting roadside open box drain complete with coping, six (6) walkways, six (6) driveways with reinforced concrete using HTS bars 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
54 DP-23-24/114/027 Blueshot Avenue Drainage Rehabilitation
Electoral District - Hollywood
7214205  To rehabilitate existing roadside drain and interlot drain and to extend existing top slab for box culvert including the addition of a headwall, all reinforced using HTS bars. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
55 DP-23-24/114/028 Dipsingh Avenue (Phase 2) Kerb and Slipper Drain
Electoral District - Hollywood
7214205 To construct of Kerb and Slipper Drain with reinforced concrete using Welded Wire Mesh and HTS bars and to reinstate road edges by strengthening road edge with Blue Metal Limestone and resurfacing area nominal thickness with Hot Asphaltic Mix. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
56 DP-23-24/114/029 Smith Street (Extension) Drainage Works
Electoral District - Hollywood
7214205 To construct a roadside open box drain complete with coping, with reinforced concrete using HTS bars. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
57 DP-23-24/114/030 Stanisclaus Circular to ‘E’ Street Interlot Drain
Electoral District - Hollywood
7214205 To construct drainage works consisting of consisting of two connecting interlot box drains and complete with coping and one entrance with reinforced concrete using HTS bars 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract
58 DP-23-24/114/031 E’ Street Interlot Drain
Electoral District - Hollywood
7214205 To construct drainage works consisting of reinforced concrete box drain connecting a reinforced box drain designed with retaining properties and including 8 reinforced concrete bore piles 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 6 – 8 Weeks ITB 10 Fixed Term Contract


1 ME-03/001/01/ 23-24/001 1 1/2 Ton Truck 24101500 (1) 1 1/2 Ton Truck 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS ITB 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
2 ME-03/001/01/ 23-24/002 Sedan Vehicle 78111809 (5) Sedan Vehicle 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS ITB 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
3 ME 03/001/02/23-24/01 Heavy Duty Color Printer 43212100 (5) Heavy Duty Color Printer 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS ITB 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
4 ME 03/001/02/23-24/02 Adding Machine 44101802 (20) Adding Machine 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order
5 ME 03/001/03/23-24/01 Ergonomic Chairs 56101504 (33) Ergonomic Chairs 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS ITB 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
6 ME 03/001/03/23-24/002 Office Ergonomic Chair 56101504 (15)Office Ergonomic Chair 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
7 ME 03/001/03/23-24/003 Fire Proof Cabinet 30161801 (2) Fire Proof Cabinet 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
8 ME 03/001/03/23-24/004 Office Desk 44110000 (3) Office Desk 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
9 ME 03/001/03/23-24/005 Single Door Locker (Metal) 56101520 (69) Single Door Locker (Metal) 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
10 ME 03/001/03/23-24/006 B-1500 Stacking Chair in Leather 56101504 (56) B-1500 Stacking Chair in Leather 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
11 ME 03/001/03/23-24/007 B-7501 High Back Executive Leather 56101504 (18) B-7501 High Back Executive Leather 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
12 ME 03/001/03/23-24/008 Executive Fully Laminated Workstation 56111500 (5) Executive Fully Laminated Workstation 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
13 ME 03/001/03/23-24/009 Executive Solid Fully laminated Single Workstation 56111500 (10)Executive Solid Fully lanimated Single Workstation 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
14 ME 03/001/03/23-24/010 Filing Cabinet 56101702 (7) Filing Cabinet 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
15 ME 03/001/03/23-24/011 Lockable Stations complete 56111500 (1) Lockable Stations complete 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
16 ME 03/001/04/23-24/001 Digital Camera 45121504 (1) Digital Camera 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
17 ME 03/001/04/23-24/002 Calibration Kit for Multirae Gas Monitor 41113118 (1) Calibration Kit for Multirae Gas Monitor 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
18 ME 03/001/04/23-24/003 Gas Monitor 41113117 (1) Gas Monitor 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
19 ME 03/001/04/23-24/004 Wireless router 43222609 (2) Wireless router 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
20 ME 03/001/04/23-24/005 Fire Alarm System 46191505 (1) Fire Alarm System 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
21 ME 03/001/04/23-24/006 Fire Extinguisher 20lb 46191601 (10) Fire Extinguisher 20lb 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order
22 ME 03/001/04/23-24/007 Air Condition Unit 40101701 (5) Air Condition Unit 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
23 ME 03/001/04/23-24/008 Wheel Chair 42192210 (1) Wheel Chair 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order
24 ME 03/001/04/23-24/009 Lockers 56101520 (10) Lockers 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
25 ME 03/001/04/23-24/010 Gas Detectors 46171613 (1) Gas Detector 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
26 ME 03/001/04/23-24/011 Fans 40101604 (5) Fans 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order
27 ME 03/001/04/23-24/011 Recording System 44103200 (1) Recording System 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
28 ME 03/001/04/23-24/011 Communication Hand Held 43190000 (10) Communication Hand Held 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
29 ME 03/002/01/23-24/001 Utility Vehicle 78111811 (2) Utility Vehicle 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS ITB 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
30 ME 03/002/01/23-24/002 Four Wheeler 2500000 (1) Four Wheeler 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS ITB 10 Purchase/Invoice Order
31 ME 03/002/02/23-24/001 Heavy Duty Copier 44101501 (1) Heavy Duty Copier 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS ITB 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
32 ME 03/002/01/23-24/002 White Board 44111911 (1) White Board 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order
33 ME 03/002/03/23-24/001 Four Drawer Locker 56101520 (2) Four Drawer Locker 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS ITB 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
34 ME 03/002/03/23-24/002 Desk 56101703 (2) Desk 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS ITB 10 Purchase/Invoice Order
35 ME 03/002/03/23-24/003 Chairs 56101504 (8) Chairs 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order
36 ME 03/002/03/23-24/004 Filing Cabinet 56101702 (2) Filing Cabinet 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS ITB 10 Purchase/Invoice Order
37 ME 03/002/04/23-24/001 STHIL 160 Brush Cutter Machine 27112037 (10) STHIL 160 Brush Cutter Machine 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order
38 ME 03/002/04/23-24/002 Large Spray Cans 24112200 (4) Large Spray Cans 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order
39 ME 03/002/04/23-24/003 Handheld Blowers 40101601 (3) Handheld Blowers 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order
40 ME 03/002/04/23-24/004 Plastic Spray cans 24112200 (4) Plastic Spray cans 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order
41 ME 03/002/04/23-24/005 Heavy Duty Lawn Mover 27112014 (2) Heavy Duty Lawn Mover 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS Handheld Blowers 10 Purchase/Invoice Order
42 ME 03/002/04/23-24/006 PA System 45111705 (1) PA System 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
43 ME 03/002/04/23-24/007 ID Machines 23261503  (1) ID Machine 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
44 ME 03/003/04/23-24/001 F-2 280 Brush Cutters 23151901 (20) F-2 280 Brush Cutters 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order
45 ME 03/003/04/23-24/002 Hand Held Blower 40101601 (10) Hand Held Blower 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order
46 ME 03/004/03/23-24/001 Chairs 56101504 (20) Chairs 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order
47 ME 03/004/03/23-24/002 Desk 56101703 (10) Desk 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order
48 ME 03/003/04/23-24/001 20" x 23" Compactor Plate 22101511 (1) 20" x 23" Compactor Plate 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
49 ME 03/003/04/23-24/002 Road Saw 18" Blade /Water Tank 24111814 (1) Road Saw 18" Blade /Water Tank 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
50 ME 03/003/04/23-24/003 Multi Stage Pump 40151581 (1) Multi Stage Pump 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
51 ME 03/003/04/23-24/004 Diagnostic Testing Machine 41171500 (1) Diagnostic Testing Machine 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
52 ME 03/005/02/23-24/001 Printers 43212100 (2) Printers 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
53 ME 03/005/03/23-24/001 Office Chairs 56101504 (10) Office Chairs 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order
54 ME 03/005/03/23-24/002 Desk 56101703 (10) Desk 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order
55 ME 03/005/04/23-24/001 Air Condition Unit 40101701 (2) Air Condition Unit 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
56 ME 03/005/04/23-24/002 Pump and Filters 40151500 (2) Pump and Filters 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
57 ME 03/005/04/23-24/003 Mini Refrigerator 56101526 (2) Mini Refrigerator 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Fixed Term Contract
58 ME 03/005/04/23-24/004 Microwave 52141502 (2) Microwave 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 5 MONTHS RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order


1 RFQ-03/ 23-24/001 Supply and Delivery of Uniforms & PPE 5310700 Purchase of all uniforms and protective gear whenever required. Uniform allowances .Payment for sewing of uniforms. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 N/A RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order.

Frame Work Agreement.
2 RFQ-09/ 23-24/002 Rent/Lease-Vehicles and Equipment 78142000 Rental or lease of all equipment such as Backhoe/ Excavator/ 10 Ton Roller/ Grader Machine and vehicles, includes lease-to-own- agreements 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 N/A RFQ 10 Short Term Lease.

Fixed Term Contract.
3 RFQ-10/ 23-24/003 Supply and Delivery of Office Stationery and Supplies 44121638 Consumables used in running of office such as Hospitality Services and the purchase of all office stationery not supplied by government printery. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 N/A RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order.

Frame Work Agreement.
4 RFQ-11/ 23-24/004 Supply and Delivery of Books and Periodicals 55101519 Purchase of books and periodicals to reference use in offices and libraries including newspapers 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 N/A RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order.

Frame Work Agreement.
5 RFQ-12/ 23-24/005 Supply and Delivery of Materials and Supplies 10000000 Purchase of materials and supplies used by departments in the discharge of their core functions: purchase of software packages subsequent to initial supply with purchase of Office Equipment’s and Furnishings, hardware/ Construction Material, 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 N/A RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order.

Frame Work Agreement.
        Minor Equipment’s, Plumbing and Electrical Fixtures, Hand Held and Electrical Tools, Aggregate, Lumber , Laminated pouches, Food Badges Clips, Pool Chemical, Accessories , Pumps. Oil, Gas and Diesel.            
6 RFQ-13/ 23-24/006 Maintenance of Vehicles 25000000 Maintenance of Vehicles 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 N/A RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order.

Frame Work Agreement.
7 RFQ-15/ 23-24/007 Repairs and Maintenance - Equipment 72154066 Repair and maintenance of : office machines e.g. computers -other specialised equipment e.g. cameras, Ink Cartridges,   31-Jan-24  30-May-24  N/A  RFQ  10  Purchase/Invoice Order.

Fixed Term Contract.
8 RFQ-19/ 23-24/010 Official Entertainment  90150000 Provision for official entertainment for holders of certain public offices with the purview of the salaries review commission. These include : auditor general Top managers in the public service. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 N/A RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order.

Service Contract.
9 RFQ-21/ 23-24/011 Repairs and Maintenance - Buildings 72101507 Repairs and maintenance to government buildings inclusive of air conditioning, elevators, generator, furniture. Furnishings and pest control. Includes service contracts and consultancy services 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 N/A RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order.

Fixed Term Contract
10 RFQ-23/ 23-24/023 Procurement of Fees 81112201 Payment of various fees and legal costs incurred by government ministries, departments and agencies e.g. Prison chaplain, jury fees, slaughtering fees. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 N/A RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order.

Frame Work Agreement.
11 RFQ-24/ 23-24/014 Rebates And Refund   Rebates and refunds of payments made 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 N/A RFQ 10  
12 RFQ-28/ 23-24/016 Other Contracted Services 64131600 Cost of contracts awarded for services not cleared for under other sub items e.g. scavenging, Bulky Waste Services, Disposal of Faecal Waste, Cleaning of Rivers and Main Earthen Drain, 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 N/A RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order.

Frame Work Agreement.
        repairs to road and bridges Rental of Road Saw, Water Pump, Jack Hammer, Backhoe, Excavator, 10 ton Roller, Grader Machine and heavy equipment, management contracts.            
13 RFQ-37/ 23-24/017 Janitorial Services 76110000 All contracted cleaning and janitorial service 31-Jan-24 30-May-24/td> N/A RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order.

Service Contract.
14 RFQ-43/ 23-24/018 Security Services 92121504 All contracted security services 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 N/A RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order.

Service Contract.
15 RFQ-46/ 23-24/019 Natural Disasters 93131800 Natural disasters 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 N/A RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order.

Frame Work Agreement.
16 RFQ-57/ 23-24/020 Postage 78102200 Cost of all activities relative to delivery of mail and packages including courier services 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 N/A RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order.

Frame Work Agreement.
17 RFQ-62/ 23-24/023 Promotions, Publicity and Printing 80171600 This sub item cater for the following: -printing of manuals, forms, brochures. Procurement of Outreach programmes and branded items 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 N/A RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order.

Frame Work Agreement.
18 RFQ-66/ 23-24/024 Hosting of Conferences, Seminars and Other Functions 80141603 This sub item caters for Hosting of conferences and seminars in Trinidad and Tobago agreed to by cabinet. Procurement of infrastructure décor services events planner, caterer , technical and artistic services. 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 N/A RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order.

Frame Work Agreement.
19 RFQ-99/ 23-24/026 Employee Assistance Programme 84131615 Procurement Cost of implementing Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) 31-Jan-24 30-May-24 N/A RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order.

Frame Work Agreement.


1 Cultural / Celebrations 2023-2024 Divali Event 80141607 Hosting Function Procurement of infrastructure, caterer technical and artistic services, audio and sound system, Décor Event planner / Manager services Oct-23 Oct-23 1 MONTH RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Contract Agreement
2 Cultural / Celebrations 2023-2024 Christmas Event 80141607 Hosting Function Procurement of infrastructure, caterer, technical and artistic services, audio and sound system, décor Event planner / Manager services such as Christmas Village. Procurement of Vouchers/ Hampers Dec-23 Dec-23 1 MONTH RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Contract Agreement
3 Cultural / Celebrations 2023-2024 Special Events
Sporting, Cultural and Educational Events
LED Special Events
80141607 Hosting Function Procurement of infrastructure, caterer technical and artistic services, audio and sound system décor Event planner / Manager services. 1-Jan-24 31-Jan-24 1 MONTH RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Contract Agreement
4 Cultural / Celebrations 2023-2024 Carnival Events
LED Special Events
80141607 Hosting Function Procurement of infrastructure, caterer technical and artistic services, audio and sound system, décor Event planner / Manager services. 1-Feb-24 28-Feb-24 1 MONTH RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Contract Agreement
5 Cultural / Celebrations 2023-2024 Spiritual Baptist
LED Special Events
80141607 Hosting Function Procurement of infrastructure, caterer technical and artistic services, audio and sound system, décor Event planner / Manager services. 1-Mar-24 31-Mar-24 1 MONTH RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Contract Agreement
6 Cultural / Celebrations 2023-2024 Easter Events
(Kite Flying, Easter Parade, Sports) Eid-ul-fitr
LED Special Events
80141607 Hosting Function Procurement of infrastructure, caterer technical and artistic services, audio and sound system, décor Event planner / Manager services. 1-Apr-24 30-Apr-24 1 MONTH RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Contract Agreement
7(a) Cultural / Celebrations 2023-2024 Borough Day Celebration 2024
  • Sports Week
  • Borough Day Launch
  • Church Service
  • Schools Monologue/Art/Essay Competition
  • LED Special Events
80141607 Hosting Function Procurement of infrastructure, caterer technical and artistic services, audio and sound system, décor Event planner / Manager services. 1-Apr-24 30-May-24 1 MONTH RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Contract Agreement
7(b) Cultural / Celebrations 2023-2024 Borough Day Celebration 2024
  • Niherst Science Fair
  • Junior Calypso Monarch
  • Military Parade
  • Business Fair
  • Marathon/ Cycling
  • LED Special Events
80141607 Hosting Function Procurement of infrastructure, caterer technical and artistic services, audio and sound system, décor Event planner / Manager services. 1-Apr-24 30-May-24 1 MONTH RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Contract Agreement
7(c) Cultural / Celebrations 2023-2024 Borough Day Celebration 2024
  • Gospel Concert
  • Health Fair
  • Band Concert
  • Culture & Callaloo
  • Jouvert Celebrations
  • Parade of the Bands
  • Pan on the Move
  • LED Special Events
80141607 Hosting Function Procurement of infrastructure, caterer technical and artistic services, audio and sound system, décor Event planner / Manager services. 1-Apr-24 30-May-24 1 MONTH RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Contract Agreement
7(d) Cultural / Celebrations 2023-2024 Borough Day Celebration 2024
  • Mayor / Councilors / Aldermen Community Spotlight
  • LED Special Events
80141607 Hosting Function Procurement of infrastructure, caterer technical and artistic services, audio and sound system, décor Event planner / Manager services. 1-Apr-24 30-May-24 1 MONTH RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Contract Agreement
8 Cultural / Celebrations 2023-2024 Indian Arrival Day
LED Special Events
80141607 Hosting Function Procurement of infrastructure, caterer technical and artistic services, audio and sound system, décor Event planner / Manager services 1-May-24 31-May-24 1 MONTH RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Contract Agreement
9 Cultural / Celebrations 2023-2024 Special Events
Sporting, Cultural and Educational Events
LED Special Events
80141607 Hosting Function Procurement of infrastructure, caterer technical and artistic services, audio and sound system, décor Event planner / Manager services. 1-Jun-24 30-Jun-24 1 MONTH RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Contract Agreement
10 Cultural / Celebrations 2023-2024 Special Events
Sporting, Cultural and Educational Events
LED Special Events
80141607 Hosting Function Procurement of infrastructure, caterer technical and artistic services, audio and sound system, décor Event planner / Manager services. 1-July-24 31-July-24 1 MONTH RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Contract Agreement
11 Cultural / Celebrations 2023-2024 Back - to - School Emancipation Independence Day 2024
LED Special Events
80141607 Hosting Function Procurement of infrastructure, caterer technical and artistic services, audio and sound system, décor Event planner / Manager services. 1-Aug-24 31-Aug-24 1 MONTH RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Contract Agreement
12 Cultural / Celebrations 2023-2024 Republic Day 2024
LED Special Events
80141607 Hosting Function Procurement of infrastructure, caterer technical and artistic services, audio and sound system, décor Event planner / Manager services. 1-Sept-24 30-Sept-24 1 MONTH RFQ 10 Purchase/Invoice Order

Contract Agreement