Tender Procedure

Tender Notices & Tender Document Purchasing Forms - PSIP 2023-24

Thank you for your interest in tendering for the various development projects of the Point Fortin Borough Corporation for the period 2023-2024. Below you will find the links to the relevant tender notice documents. Click on the various links to download and view the required documents.

Tender Notices



 No notices available at this time


Upcoming Meetings
Title Date Time
Pre-tender N/A  N/A
Pre-tender N/A  N/A
Opening of Tenders N/A  N/A


Please be advised that the Pre-tender Meeting and Opening of tenders will be held at the Auditorum of the Point Fortin Borough Corporation, located at 26-30 George Road, Machaica, Point Fortin. Please see Tender Notices for dates and time.

NB. Pre-tender Meeting and Opening of Tenders will NOT be held Virtually.