Duties and Responsibilities of Point Fortin Corporation
Role and Responsibilities
The following services are exercisable by the Point Fortin Corporation as outlined by the Municipal Corporations Act 21 of 1990:-
- The distribution of truck borne water subject to the provisions of the Water and Sewerage Act. Chapter 54-40.
- The provision, maintenance and control of all Corporation Buildings.
- The maintenance and control of homes for the aged establishment by the Corporation.
- The construction and maintenance of all drains and water courses except drains, main water courses and drains along main roads and highways.
- The provision, maintenance and control of such parks, recreation grounds, beaches and other public spaces as the President may from time to time by order prescribed.
- The promotion of development within the Municipality in accordance with plans approved by the Minister with responsibility for physical planning.
- The maintenance of state property including such Police Stations, Health Centers, Post Offices and other government buildings the Minister to whom responsibility for construction and maintenance of buildings as assigned, as may by order determine.
- The disposal of garbage from public and private property, the development and maintenance of sanitary landfills, chemical treatment for insects and insect vector control, abatement of public nuisances and dissemination of information for primary health care.
- The co-ordination of local and regional trade fairs, athletic events and cultural displays and entertainment.
- The collection and distribution of forms issued by departments of Government.
- The maintenance and control of burial grounds and crematoria, subject to the provisions of the Public Burial Grounds Act and Cremation Act.
- The provision, maintenance and control of public pastures and recreation ground, subject to the provisions of the Recreation Grounds and Pastures Act.
- Such other functions as the President may from time to time by order prescribed.
Other services provided by the Corporation
- Grant final approval for Building Plans and Building Area layouts; monitor to ensure compliance with detail of specifications;
- Issue of Completion Certificates
- Provide advice on land development and building construction to the public.
- Grant provisional approval for land development
- Enforcement of Litter Act. (Litter Prevention Wardens).
- Cleaning of Cesspits and septic tanks.
- Supply of Food Badges
- Grant of financial assistance for charitable and needy cases from the Mayor’s fund
- Removal of derelict vehicles
- Canine Control
Additional responsibilities
Arising out of the analysis undertaken during the development of the Strategic Plan for the organization, the under mentioned additional responsibilities were identified as being undertaken by the Point Fortin Corporation;
- to plan at the local and regional level for the development and future requirements of the community;
- to provide services and facilities that benefit the community, ratepayers residents and visitors to the community (including general public services or facilities including waste collection, control or disposal, health , welfare or community services or facilities and cultural or recreational services or facilities);
- to provide for the welfare, well-being and interests of individuals and groups within the community;
- to take measures to protect the community from natural and other hazards and to mitigate the effects of such hazards;
- Public Safety
- to manage, develop, protect, restore, enhance and conserve the environment in an ecologically sustainable manner and to improve amenities;
- to provide infrastructure for the community and for development within the community;
- to promote the community and to provide an attractive climate and locations for the development of business, commerce, industry and tourism;
- to establish or support organizations or programs that benefit people in the community or local government generally;
- to manage and if appropriate, develop public areas vested in, or occupied by, the Corporation;
- to manage, improve and develop resources available to the Corporation;
Press Releases
- Point Fortin Borough Corporation Trademark Notice
- Introducing Our New Complaints Page
- Point Fortin Borough Magazines
- Notice Regarding Requests for Assistance
Burgesses' Forum
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